November 26, 2022
What a great day is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving; a time of deeper reflection and the realizing of the many blessings each of us have in our lives...Giving Tuesday is an International Effort to support those less fortunate than ourselves. It is a time to grip hands as HUMANITY and show ourselves how much we can do when we do it together.
So, we are asking that you consider giving on Tuesday, 29NOV22. Give what your heart is telling you and that will be enough. Get out of your head and just do it! We Believe in HUMANITY and the power of our Interconnectedness.
Our non-profit of choice is Advocates for Equal Justice Initiative (ADVEJI). Donations will be matched up to $2500 per person.
November 23, 2021
There are close to 8 billion people in the world.
There are millions of blogs, songs, and books.
Social media has billions of users with billions more posts.
Everyone, in one way or another, has something to say.
Sometimes, the voices are attention-seeking. Other times, they just bicker. The sound can be deafening.
In that cacophony, we may feel silenced. Maybe we think nothing’s been left unsaid. Or we refuse to add chaos to the scene.
Possibly, we’re unsure what to think or feel anymore at all. We wonder if anyone even cares.
In that instant, we’ve forgotten that we’re unicorns.
Unicorns care about others, without caring about what they think.
They live life, love it, and flaunt it.
They shine, know who they are, and say what they need to say.
It may be cliche, but there really is only one of you in the world. Your story is unique. And as much as humans have essential commonalities, they have equally beautiful differences.
Those disparities have a right to be identified, voiced, and embraced.
You are that distinction.
A world without your voice is at a disservice. Your perspective is not only useful, it’s imperative.
But how can you stand out amongst the ear-splitting noise?
So many topics are covered ad nauseum. Politics, beauty, pop culture—it can be hard to feel original. It can be hard to feel heard.
But you already are. In a background of static, you are your own clear image. In a discordant symphony, you are a soloist.
Your voice is your outfit of the day. It’s the way you play an instrument, write a poem, or just choose to spend your time.
It’s how you interact with people. It’s a smile, or a “no, thank you.”
Your voice is what you intentionally do. It’s the way of life you model for others.
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to tell the story. Just be the story.
It doesn’t have to be epic or a showstopper. Like the butterfly effect, life-changing performances often start small.
You just have to believe in your own unicorn magic.
November 20, 2021
Xpresso is a play on words, but more so a play on our psyche. Xpresso relates to expression and being the voice of the voiceless. It is a intentional effort to speak to effect change and affect hearts. While the other side of Xpresso ties to espresso coffee; the realization that brown is beautiful and all encompassing in the hues of skin tone. I want people to love the skin they are in and walk in their strength.
Unicorn is the magic and mystery of the fantasy realm brought to the present. It is a chance to rethink the purity and uniqueness of the all white unicorn to modern representation of the shades of our diverse world. The unicorn also represents a childlike awe, spirit, and natural strength and beauty that each person possesses just by being their unique authentic self.
This company was birthed out of the racial confusion and hate people perpetuate due to fear, misunderstanding, and ignorance. Our hope is to bring people closer by helping them love themselves and love others from the basis of humanity. We believe in the power of people to change for the better. We believe that people can solve people problems, but we have to be mature enough to get out of our own ways to grow into this next phase of humanity.
We are also a living and adapting company that is looking for ways to positively impact our communities and environments through impact investing and nature based investing. We can only do this with the support of people like you. We need more Unicorns to answer the call to be a voice and the change that we want to see. Will you join the cause and let you voice be heard on our blog, podcast, social media, and in the gear you wear? If so, send us a note and lets start our journey!
Black Friday Sales starts soon! Subscribe and use BF30 code for 30% off on all products!
Xpresso Unicorn Founder and CEO
January 24, 2021
Have you felt the last two years, especilly 2020 has been smoothering and just a bit too much? Well, you are not alone...2020 was a tragic year for the US because of the death and distruction we all witnessed and maybe even partook in...
However, 2021 is a shining light as we move into new possibilities. If nothing else in 2020, we hope you reconnected with what is important to you or figured out what is important to you, while holding your family and friends tight.
We hope you had a form of enligtenment through our civil unrest and began to see the world and America from a lens that you may have not considered previously. Nothing will ever be perfect, but that is no reason to not push for it to be better for the current population and future humanity. This comment gets to what Xpresso Unicorn is about...Embracing and celebrating differences while realizing we are and should be united by our HUMANITY! If we learn to LOVE people for who they are, flaws and all, and limit uninformed judgements, the world would be a better place...
So, I hope this note encourages you to keep pushing, to keep being your unique selves unapologetically, to keep being a positive influence to your community, and realize things will get better if WE keep gripping hands and being the change we desire to see and experience.
Here's to 2021 and all the amazing accomplishments you amazing #Unicorns will achieve! Check back with #XpressoUnicorn to see where you can get involved with your voices, your giving, and your getting of sweet gear.
With Love and Respect,
Xpresso Unicorn Team
February 04, 2019
It’s February now and any new year goals you set without a true foundation and passion to see it through has all but failed...
However, there was a reason why you set those, I implore you to remember your why and even though you did not set the goal with a strong tie to see it to completion, you can and should do that soul searching now.
Our dreams and goals come from intimate places that are only understood once explored. Do yourself a favor and search your deepest parts and find your WHY! The future you will appreciate you putting in work now to reap the future benefits.
Happy February! Be Great!
November 16, 2018
Xpresso Unicorn is a lifestyle apparel brand based on the connection and understanding that we're all different, but still UNITED in our HUMANITY.
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